Home Blog Coming Soon: The Elite Range Bar System
Blog - July 1, 2012

Coming Soon: The Elite Range Bar System

I’ve been putting off fully detailing my forex trading methods for years but it won’t be long now.  The Elite Range Bar System is nearing completion and I’m really looking forward to putting it out there.  So far the reception has been great as I’ve had old trading friends, some family, and also a group of early bird purchasers running through the program.  I’m making some late tweaks and putting together a few more videos but it shouldn’t be long now before it’s live and available on Samurai Trading.  I hope to have it ready to go within a few weeks at most.

So what should you expect?  For starters, it won’t be like the vast majority of the forex courses out there.  Most of them charge you a considerable sum and then have about 80% of the course covering just the basics.  I’ve bought a lot of courses and believe me, I’ve fallen in that trap way too often.  Filling pages with that stuff is a great way to pad out a course and make it look impressive but it rarely teaches people how to do what they want to do, which is how to TRADE!  Even worse, all the beginner material you need to build a solid trading foundation is already widely available on the web in some very good free online courses.  More…

This course is different.  If you need the trading basics I will tell you exactly where to go but after that we are going to dive right in and focus on the strategies you need to day-trade the forex market.  We will be covering a number of different range bar setups that you can use every day to find trades whether the market is trending, ranging, or anything in between.  Along the way there will be all sorts of insights and various tricks I have learned in ten years of trading which any aspiring or current trader is sure to find useful.  Unless you have been trading range bars for a number of years, I absolutely guarantee you will be introduced to some great new trading concepts even if you are a seasoned market veteran.

I will be providing more details in the coming weeks as we get closer to launch but for now I can tell you that even though this course is very focused on specific trading strategies, it still covers a lot of ground.  The book itself is over 50 pages covering a variety of topics necessary to your Elite Range Bar Trading success and there are also a number of videos as well that cover setups, market recaps, and more.  I’m looking forward to sharing more soon!  Be sure to sign up for our RSS feed to be kept up to date.